Client libraries

The netorcai architecture is a client-server one. The netorcai program has the role of a network server while the other entities (games, players and visualizations) have a client role.

While netorcai clients can be implemented from scratch, several libraries have been implemented to ease the communication with the netorcai server. All these libraries are available in the netorcai organization github repository. Currently, the following libraries have been implemented.

Contrary to bindings, all these libraries are fully implemented in the target programming language. The main advantage is that the installation of each library is simplified, as it can be done directly with the language packaging tools.

Client libraries API

All the client libraries propose the same programming interface. Inner details may of course vary depending on the programming language, such as the type used to store collections of items or the variable/function name depending on the language coding style. All existing libraries provide the following.

  • A high-level Client class that manages the network connection.
  • Structured types for the various messages of the metaprotocol (see Message types). Each message is implemented as a struct in C++ and D, and as class in Java and Python.
  • Functions to parse the various metaprotocol messages.

The Client class is intended to be the main way to send and receive netorcai messages. This class provides the following methods.

  • Various methods to send metaprotocol messages on the network, named send<MESSAGE_TYPE> (e.g., sendLogin).
  • Various methods to receive and parse metaprotocol messages from the network, named read<MESSAGE_TYPE> (e.g., readLoginAck). These functions do not return until a message could be read (or if a connection issue has been detected).
  • sendString and sendJson, that respectively send a user-defined string or a user-defined JSON object on the network.
  • recvString and recvJson, that respectively receive a string or a JSON object from the network. These functions do not return until a message could be read (or if a connection issue has been detected).


All these methods can throw exceptions if a network error has been encountered. Furthermore, all read<MESSAGE_TYPE> methods will throw an exception if an unexpected message type has been received (e.g., if the client received a KICK).

Usage examples

As an example, here is a basic player bot in Python.

    # Instantiate a client in memory.
    client = Client()

    # Connect the internal socket to netorcai (on the 4242 port of the local machine).
    client.connect("localhost", 4242)

    # Log in to netorcai as a player. The client's nickname is "Example".
    client.send_login("Example", "player")

    # Wait for the game to start.
    game_starts = client.read_game_starts()

    # Precalculation can be done here. Here, the initial game state is just printed.

    # For each turn.
    for i in range(game_starts.nb_turns_max):
        # Wait for the turn to start.
        turn = client.read_turn()
        # Decide what to do. Here, the current game state is just printed and no action is done.
        actions = []
        # Send the decided actions to netorcai.
        client.send_turn_ack(turn.turn_number, [])
except Exception as e:

All libraries have examples in the examples directory of their respective repository. Please refer to them for more examples.

Getting the libraries

Getting the latest released version is easy for languages that have a standard package index.

Otherwise, getting the library from its git repository is pretty straightforward. Building and installation instructions are in the README of each repository.

Alternatively, some of these libraries are packaged in Nix in the netorcaipkgs package repository. Here are some commands to install the libraries.

# Install the C++ client library.
# Latest release
nix-env -f -iA netorcai_client_cpp
# Up-to-date (latest commit)
nix-env -f -iA netorcai_client_cpp_dev